Comment 3 for bug 260745

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Roland Latour (rolandl-cavenet) wrote :

'sudo ufw status' report:
To Action From
Anywhere DENY 80:tcp
80:tcp ALLOW Anywhere
80:udp ALLOW Anywhere
Anywhere DENY

But command syntax is:
ufw allow proto tcp from to port 135

I suggest you change one or the other so they match a bit more closely. If the status reports on '80:tcp'
then I should be able to use that syntax in the command. Or leave the command as is and change the
status display so there's a column on the left labeled 'proto' and one on the right labeled 'port'. Fight confusion with consistency. Users are by definition unfamiliar with your program. And syntax like 'to Anywhere' and
'from Anywhere' doesn't work--why not change it to just 'any' to match the manpage. Thanks.