Comment 6 for bug 1956029

Revision history for this message
Myron Szymanskyj (myron-s) wrote :

By networking stops means that I can not establish a connection with the Lemaker BananaPi Pro on any port so I can't get a SSHed shell, can't access the VPN server, etc... It behaves like someone has plugged the network cable.

Putting "ufw.service" was a guess, but I've not rebooted the OS yet with that in place.

root@loki:~# iptables --version
iptables v1.8.4 (legacy)
root@loki:~# uname -a
Linux loki 5.10.60-sunxi #21.08.2 SMP Tue Sep 14 16:28:44 UTC 2021 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
root@loki:~# fail2ban-client --version
Fail2Ban v0.11.1

OS in use obtained from here:

I will try a reboot and see what happens. Will report result back here.