Comment 4 for bug 1508075

Revision history for this message
Martin Pitt (pitti) wrote : Re: crash during network setup in ubiquity wily

I tried today's ISO: Ubuntu 15.10 "Wily Werewolf" - Release amd64 (20151020)

On my UEFI laptop I don't get the graphical "Try Ubuntu / Install Ubuntu" picker, just the grub one. I tried all four cases of "try" (live session) and "install" (ubiquity-only) and connect via indicator vs. connect in ubiquity, and it worked fine. Also, I checked (in separate reboots, to not influence the first four tests before) that in all of these cases polkitd was already running before I did anything (switched to VT1).

I then tried the same iso on my wife's laptop with BIOS, and do get the graphical install vs. try picker. I can connect there via the indicator as well. I also booted it in QEMU, and polkit starts up properly (naturally I can't verify wifi there).

So I cannot reproduce this myself.

In the syslog it appears that polkit started up fine:

Oct 20 14:21:06 ubuntu dbus[1414]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1' unit='polkitd.service'
Oct 20 14:21:06 ubuntu systemd[1]: Started Authenticate and Authorize Users to Run Privileged Tasks.

which means that polkit's bus name was properly claimed (as that's what systemd considers as "started" for Type=dbus).

but 25s later it timed out, which is exactly the default D-Bus timeout:

Oct 20 14:21:31 ubuntu NetworkManager[1373]: <warn> error requesting auth for org.freedesktop.NetworkManager.wifi.share.protected: (0) Authorization check failed: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.TimedOut: Failed to activate service 'org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1': timed out

so it seems it registered on the bus but then froze (I don't think it crashed as that should appear in the logs somewhere.

Can you please boot the live system with "break=casper-bottom", and run

   sed -i '/^Exec/ s!=!=/usr/bin/strace -fvvs1024 -o /run/polkit.trace !' /root/lib/systemd/system/polkitd.service

(no editor on the initramfs..) then continue booting with Ctrl+D, then go up to the point when polkit freezes. Switch to VT1, log in (user ubuntu, no password), and salvage /run/polkit.trace. I tested these steps in a VM, but of course my polkit.trace doesn't tell me anything interesting.
