Comment 0 for bug 626449

Revision history for this message
Richard Hansen (rhansen) wrote :

Binary package hint: udev

I have a Microsoft Wired Keyboard 600. This USB device has two keyboard interfaces: bInterfaceNumber=0 is for the standard 104 keys, and bInterfaceNumber=1 is for the multimedia keys (vol up, vol down, mute, play/pause, and calculator).

The rules in 60-persistent-input.rules creates a /dev/input/by-id/*-event-kbd symlink for interface 0, but then creates a symlink with the exact same name for interface 1, thus overwriting the symlink for interface 0. This means that there is no persistent symlink for the event device corresponding to the 104 key interface.

Including the interface number in the symlink name resolves this problem. I've attached a patch that creates symlinks containing the interface number. The old symlinks are left alone to preserve backward compatibility.