Comment 16 for bug 439137

Revision history for this message
muncrief (rmuncrief) wrote :

First of all, just to let you know my level of expertise, I was an R&D engineer for over two decades, but generally considered an embedded systems designer because I'm a multi-disciplined hardware/firmware/software engineer, developing everything from custom microprocessors and assemblers, to enterprise Windows and Unix applications. But of course, since most high technology jobs like mine have been exported from this country by the Democrats and Republicans, I will be eternally unemployed but can comfortably live off the earnings from before America abandoned its own people.

So I hope you can understand that I've tried all kinds of media, from commercial DVD's to home burnt ones, to commercial and home burnt audio and data CD's.

And all of this media works great under Jaunty, Windows XP x64 Professional, and Windows 7 RC.

And I upgraded from Jaunty once, but since then have been reinstalling Karmic since Alpha 6 was released, and I believe I've reinstalled it from scratch four times, the last time being last night.

So the problem here is definitely Karmic.