Comment 26 for bug 316215

Revision history for this message
eagano (developer1) wrote :

I have been working on getting the Android Debug Bridge (adb, the Android tool referenced in the original bug report) working with the Motorola Droid on Ubuntu 9.10. The hardware vendor id is different - this is a Motorola handset. If this is going to be addressed, should all the major Android handsets be added? From the Android developer site ( the vendors possible vendors include:

Acer -- 0502
HTC -- 0bb4
Huawei -- 12d1
LG -- 1004
Motorola -- 22b8
Samsung -- 04e8
Sony Ericsson -- 0fce

Also, I added a group to prevent the Android tools from having to be run as root and although I am new at this level of config it seems reasonable to me to prevent root:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="22b8", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"