Comment 1 for bug 1572249

Revision history for this message
Set Hallstrom (sakrecoer) wrote :

User Krytarik has made a good list of things to do that are directly related to this bug, a few improvement/optimization suggestions and written a clean verison of the XML file. I paste it here so that it will be easier to find:

  - debian/ubuntustudio-wallpapers.links:
    * Link to 'usr/share/xfce4/backdrops/ubuntustudio',
      rather than 'backdrops' directly

  - usr/share/gnome-background-properties/ubuntustudio-wallpapers.xml:
    * Correct various file names (LP: #1572249):
      - '1604_USStairs_BeateSchroder-Wettwer'
      - '1604_USCarbon_CoryKrontros.png'
      - '1604_Wallpaper1_AdamTuba.png'
    * Replace '1604_NightLights_AlbertoSNovella' entry with correct
      '1604_SoundOfLight_PushkarDeshpande' one (LP: #1572249)
    * Add attribution to some contest entries (LP: #1572249)
    * Add Macinnis wallpaper
    * Fix some of the pretty names
    * Order entries properly

    XML up to here:

  - usr/share/backgrounds/ubuntustudio/nsmail.png
    * Optimize file size to JPG

  - usr/share/backgrounds/ubuntustudio/macinnis_wallpaper.png,
    * Rename files properly
    * Adapt XML, AUTHORS, and 'debian/copyright' as needed

* ubuntustudio-look (plymouth-theme-):

  - Create version of 'ghostcolor' without CoF for background