Comment 0 for bug 1003064

Revision history for this message
Lionel Le Folgoc (mrpouit) wrote :


This package ships a default panel & plugins config, so you might be interested by a (inaccurate) list of changes to perform to update it:

  * There's a new orientation/mode for the panel (deskbar). Previously, the orientation was stored in /panels/panel-<id>/horizontal (bool), now it's /panels/panel-X/mode (unsigned int). Basically, you need to change default.xml with, e.g.:
- <property name="horizontal" type="bool" value="true"/>
+ <property name="mode" type="uint" value="0"/>

  * The session menu plugin from xfce4-session (xfsm-logout-plugin) has been removed from xfce4-session 4.10, and is replaced by another plugin (actions) shipped with xfce4-panel 4.10. Default.xml diff, e.g.:
- <property name="plugin-X" type="string" value="xfsm-logout-plugin"/>
+ <property name="plugin-X" type="string" value="actions"/>

  * There's now a top-level property for the config version: it should be set to 2 once your default.xml is up-to-date (< 2 will run the migration binary on panel startup):
+ <property name="configver" type="int" value="2"/>

  * Xfce4-indicator-plugin now manages its config in xfconf. If previously you had a file panel/indicator-X.rc containing ",,,", you can delete it and update default.xml, e.g.:
- <property name="plugin-X" type="string" value="indicator"/>
+ <property name="plugin-X" type="string" value="indicator">
+ <property name="blacklist" type="array">
+ <value type="string" value=""/>
+ <value type="string" value=""/>
+ <value type="string" value=""/>
+ <value type="string" value=""/>
+ </property>
+ </property>

For reference, this commit contains the changes for xubuntu-default-settings:

Anyway, the panel will auto-migrate many things, so you can also take your 4.8 panel config, install 4.10, run the new panel once, and compare what changed in its config. :)

Feel free to ask if you're unsure.