Comment 1 for bug 1582309

Revision history for this message
dobey (dobey) wrote :

This is only about the e-mail address, but there are other fields with placeholder text. Should those also have their placeholder text removed? Note that the secondary "confirm your password" entry box does not have a separate label. We also use placeholders in the pay-ui design, without associated labels for entries. Should this bug affect pay-service as well with us changing the UI there to match what we do here?

E-mail address:
        placeholderText: i18n.dtr(rootFlickable.domain, "example: <email address hidden>")

2FA code:
        placeholderText: i18n.dtr(rootFlickable.domain, "2-factor device code")

        placeholderText: i18n.dtr(rootFlickable.domain, "First and last name")

Password selection on new account registration page:
        placeholderText: i18n.dtr(rootFlickable.domain, "At least 8 characters")
        placeholderText: i18n.dtr(rootFlickable.domain, "Must match the previous field")