Comment 9 for bug 554561

Revision history for this message
Stew (stew-schneider) wrote :

OK, following receipt of your email, I did the following:
Clicked Places|UbuntuOne
Right clicked and chose Create Folder, which I named Test Folder. It showed a gray exclamation point
I copied a file into the folder, then double clicked the folder. The file was there, also showing a gray exclamation point
From the Me Menu, I chose UbuntuOne. The preferences window showed "Synchronization in progress" for a few seconds, then "Disconnected" for a few seconds, then "Synchronization in Progress". This pattern repeated for 8 minutes. We never sync'd.

I canceled the sync, and, as you requested, entered apport-collect -p ubuntuone-client 592917

Crapped out on the password prompt and for the life of me I don't know why.