Comment 0 for bug 1631941

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Timo Jyrinki (timo-jyrinki) wrote :

In unmodified trunk, so that may mean bug #1630906 builder problem is involved but we can't change the kernel ourselves right now.

There is a Qt fix from upstream in silo but even with that UITK fails these two tests although otherwise everything is going much better:

FAIL! : components::TextInputTouchTests::test_do_not_activate_on_pressed(TextArea) Input must not be focused on press
   Actual (): true
   Expected (): false
   Loc: [/<<BUILDDIR>>/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-1.3.2135+16.10.20161010/tests/unit/visual/tst_textinput_touch.SEGFAULT.11.qml(141)]
FAIL! : components::TextInputTouchTests::test_drag_cursor_handler(TextArea) 'Caret "undefined" cannot be found!' returned FALSE. ()
   Loc: [/<<BUILDDIR>>/ubuntu-ui-toolkit-1.3.2135+16.10.20161010/tests/unit/visual/tst_textinput_touch.SEGFAULT.11.qml(266)]