Comment 0 for bug 1589982

Revision history for this message
Cris Dywan (kalikiana) wrote :

The back button in MainView 1.2 is broken:

import QtQuick 2.0
import Ubuntu.Components 1.1

MainView {

    Page {
        id: page
        Rectangle {
            color: "red"
            anchors.fill: page

This is from tests/unit/page/AnchorToPage.qml

QWARN : tst_Page::testAnchorToPage_bug1249386() qml/Ubuntu/Components/Themes/Ambiance/1.2/ToolbarButtonStyle.qml:34:9: QML QQuickImage: Cannot open: qml/Ubuntu/Components/artwork/back.png

There's indeed no artwork/back.png in the source tree.