Comment 0 for bug 1450213

Revision history for this message
Bill Filler (bfiller) wrote : cursor handle should not be visible if field is empty

On arale
ui-tookit version 1.2.1485+15.04.20150429-0ubuntu1

The big blue cursor handle should not be visible if the text field is empty, as dragging does nothing. It should only be displayed if the field has text (or spaces) in it where dragging would make sense.

Steps to reproduce:

1) reboot phone
2) launch messaging-app
3) swipe up from bottom to create new messaage

Expected results:
- cursor should be blinking in field
- no text handle should be visible

Actual results:
- cursor is blinking in field
- big blue cursor handle is visible

NOTE, you can repeat this same thing by pressing the Search icon in the dash. The blue cursor appears even when nothing in paste buffer.