Comment 10 for bug 1415023

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

I was directed to this bug report by Jonas in <>, where "activeFocusOnPress: false" is added to a checkbox because it happens to be in the same dialog as a text field. If approved, that will be the 11th place in ubuntu-system-settings where this bug is being worked around, and probably there are more in indicators.

I think there are two bugs here. Fixing either of them would resolve the reported symptom, but really, both should be fixed.

1. A text field should not lose focus every time you press elsewhere. It should lose focus when you press *and* release on a control that can take focus, or when you press on a control where dragging is meaningful. Try this in the browser you're using right now: focus the address field, press on a built-in toolbar button -- for example, the Downloads button in Firefox, or the Home button in Chromium/Chrome -- and drag out of it to cancel before releasing. The text field doesn't lose focus. But if you do the same with another text field -- such as the search field in Firefox -- or with a bookmark, which is draggable, the address field does lose focus immediately. A button is not in the category of controls where dragging is meaningful, therefore -- whether or not it takes focus itself -- it should not cause the field to lose focus. (Eventually we should have this spelled out in the toolkit spec.)

2. Dismissing the OSK should not cause a dialog to be recentered on the screen. You might focus another field in the dialog a second or two later, and repeated recentering would be unpleasant.