Comment 6 for bug 1408015

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

This morning I came across the headline, "4 iOS Rules to Break", and I thought, "I bet one of those is putting Cancel/Confirm actions in the header." Sure enough:

"On iOS, the Done button is often displayed in a navigation bar at the top of the page. Sometimes the form Submit button (whether called Submit or something else — for instance, Place Order) is also placed at the top of the form. This pattern has started to trickle into Android apps as well. Even in iOS apps we recommend against following this pattern for the simple reason that it goes against the natural top–bottom workflow on the page. As users fill in the form, they usually do it top to bottom. When they get to the end of it, they expect to find a Submit button right there, next to the last field they have completed. Most of the time, when people don’t find it there, they get confused and start looking around, not knowing what to do." <>

In Ubuntu it's even worse than in iOS, because (a) we use "⟨" to mean two different things and (b) the "✓" doesn't even have text like it does in iOS.

I think the rule should be simple: Never put cancel or confirm actions in the header.