Comment 0 for bug 1336945

Revision history for this message
Nicholas Skaggs (nskaggs) wrote : ActionSelectionPopover doesn't close automatically

A popover should close automatically after selecting an option. This is not working currently. See this example and notice the popover stays on the screen even after you select an option.

import QtQuick 2.0
import Ubuntu.Components 0.1
import Ubuntu.Components.Popups 0.1
import Ubuntu.Components.ListItems 0.1 as ListItems

MainView {

    Button {
        objectName: "open_popover"
        text: "Open Popover"

    Label {
        id: "label"
        objectName: "clicked_label"
        anchors.centerIn: parent
        text: "Action not selected."

    ActionSelectionPopover {
        objectName: "test_actions_popover"
        id: testActionsPopover
        delegate: ListItems.Standard {
          text: action.text
          objectName: action.objectName
        actions: ActionList {
            Action {
                objectName: "action_one"
                text: "Action one"
                onTriggered: label.text = "Action one selected."
            Action {
                objectName: "action_two"
                text: "Action two"
                onTriggered: label.text = "Action two selected."
