Comment 21 for bug 1743710

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buggycub (smusnmr) wrote :

"Daniel van Vugt (vanvugt) wrote 5 hours ago: #16

I can reproduce the bug in 16.04 using LibreOffice, same as your screenshots show. But I can't seem to reproduce the bug in Firefox, Thunderbird or GIMP that you mention. Can you provide screenshots of those with the bug?"

Firefox and Thunderbird were fine with me, too (black menu background but clearly visible white menu items), as I said in my first entry. All other programs seem to be affected, however, LibreOffice, Gimp, Pinta, Tupi, you name it. Sorry, I am running presently without the folder /gtk-2.0/, see my, so I cannot show you the Gimp issue. But it looked exactly like LibreOffice.