Comment 13 for bug 1738034

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teo1978 (teo8976) wrote :

> You keep saying these random behaviors. But I am unable to
> reproduce any of them on 18.04 & 18.10. Can you explain, how to reproduce in a concise way?

If there was a reliable way of reproducing it, it wouldn't be random.

Here's what happens to me:

- I mute the volume when no sound is playing
Expected behavior: the icon shouldn't go red
Observed behavior: usually the icon doesn't go red, but sometimes it does.

Then sometimes it remains red until I unmute, sometimes it goes back to normal a few seconds later

- I mute the volume
- I start playing a sound (e.g. a youtube video or whatever), or some sound starts playing (e.g. a Facebook notification in a browser's tab).

Expected behavior: according to you, the icon should become red and remain so until you manually unmute the volume. That's nonsense. What's the logic behind that? Why would I need a reminder that at some point a sound played? Why is a "specific user action required"? Why should I unmute the volume after the sound has already stopped playing?
To me, the expected behavior is that the icon should become red and only remain so while some sound is playing, and then go back to normal. It's useful to know when some sound IS playing and I am not hearing it because my volume is muted. When no sound is no longer playing, there's no use in knowing that at some point there had been a sound playing.

But whatever the expected behavior is, the observed behavior is that sometimes the icon goes back to normal after the sound stops playing without any action on my part, while sometimes it remains red until I unmute the volume.

> But I am unable to reproduce any of them on 18.04 & 18.10

I don't know, maybe it's fixed on those versions. I'm using 16.04