Comment 3 for bug 1474226

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

Thanks for this report. It’s true that putting vibration settings in a category called “Sound” seems awkward. However, that doesn’t mean there’s a better place to put them. There are good reasons to put them with sound settings, and bad reasons to put them in other places suggested.

Fairly often, when you change whether/which sound happens for something, you will want to change whether/which vibration happens for the same thing. (Especially since on many devices, vibration is actually noisy.) So having those settings next to each other is convenient.

Meanwhile, it’s unlikely that there will be a “User Interface” panel in future, because many people aren’t familiar with that term. (It’s more likely that there will be an “Appearance” panel, but vibration settings would fit just as awkwardly under that name, poor Ubuntu precedents notwithstanding.) And vibration has little or nothing to do with “Accessibility”.

One possibility would be to rename “Sound” to “Sound & Vibration”, but we already have three category names with ampersands (“Language & Text”, “Time & Date”, “Security & Privacy”), and I’d like to avoid more.

This situation is similar to the current placement of “Updates” and “About This Device” inside System Settings: neither of them are actually system settings, but on a small device there doesn’t seem to be a better place for them.