Comment 0 for bug 1373425

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

1. Navigate to System Settings > "Wi-Fi".
2. Look at the list of networks.

What you see:
* The network icons are about twice as wide and tall as they are in the Network indicator menu.
* The network icons have small white padlock emblems on a light grey background.
* There are no padlocks at the trailing end like there are in the indicator menu.

What you should see:
* The network icons are the same size as in the indicator menu.
* Closed networks are shown with a padlock at the trailing end, not with a white emblem.

"Wherever networks are listed, except where otherwise specified: * Each network’s visible label should consist of its signal strength icon, then its network type icon, then its network name (ellipsized in the middle if necessary), and at the trailing end of the space available, its network authentication icon." <>