Comment 0 for bug 1351415

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James Hunt (jamesodhunt) wrote :

Most of the networks I connect to have MAC filtering enabled. This is a problem since I cannot check my devices MAC address until after I've gone through the setup wizard.

This leads to a chicken and egg situation where:

- the AP won't allow me to connect the device until I've configured the AP to allow the new devices MAC address.
- I cannot establish the devices MAC address until after the setup wizard (which expects you to join a wifi network) has completed.

A simple solution would be to add a "show details" checkbox to the wifi setup wizard that would simply show "hardware (MAC) address: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx". That way, I can add those details to the AP, then come back to the device and supply the WPA2 password.

FWIW, both iOS and Android also get this wrong. So, since we're the new kid on the block, it would be great if we could get it right! :-)