Comment 2 for bug 1289460

Revision history for this message
Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

Good questions, thanks.

> * on your wiki example, the most right point is on a plain hour, what should have if it's 11:36?

In the wireframe the current time is 11:12, and the graph therefore extends slightly beyond the "11" tick mark. Include tick marks only for hours that have already passed.

> * What should we do with the "Yesterday" "Today" labels if they don't fit on the space on their side of the separator?

Show them only if they fit entirely.

> * your hours are on 24 hours format, should they respect the locale/am-pm, or always be on 24 hours format?

Respect the 12-hour/24-hour setting, but without any ":00". So for example, "15" or "3 PM".

Spec updated. <>