Comment 4 for bug 1201394

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Matthew Paul Thomas (mpt) wrote :

When you are at the top of a scrollable element, or the element very nearly fills the screen, it may not be obvious whether anything is off-screen. If flicking always scrolls and bounces, doing that is an easy way to confirm that nothing is off-screen: flick to reveal empty space above/below. But if that flicking does nothing, you may not be sure whether it's because nothing is off-screen, or because the phone or screen has glitched so the flick didn't work.

Having scroll-and-bounce either on, or off, for both ends at once, also introduces an inconsistency. For example, enter System Settings > "Sound" > "Message received", and flick downward; nothing happens. Now do the same in "Ringtone"; the list scrolls down and bounces back. In both cases, you are at the *top* of the list, but if you flick to verify that, it does different things depending on whether you are at the *bottom* of the list. That's weird.

Those are the reasons I can think of for making a flickable element always scroll. What are the reasons against? What's an example of when you "trigger scrolling by mistake"?