Comment 13 for bug 1556241

Revision history for this message
bugproxy (bugproxy) wrote : Comment bridged from LTC Bugzilla

------- Comment From <email address hidden> 2016-03-21 05:48 EDT-------
(In reply to comment #13)
> 2) Can you trace and find who and/or where is modifying files in
> /etc/network/interfaces.d ? Is there any automation, puppet/chef,
> administrators, humans creating it? I've checked multiple installs that we
> have have and none of them generate anything in interfaces.d subdirectory
> upon install.

No there's no automation in place that changes this file, nor does any human interfere here.

> 3) Is this reporducible? If yes, how? Can you share the full paramfile used
> to boot the system?

I was using an empty parmfile. I just executed a fully interactive manual installation on a zVM guest. Nothing special.

> From the collected logs the boot kernel command line
> looks very weird:
> Mar 18 07:15:47 kernel: [ 0.049063] Kernel command line:
> @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
> @@@
> literary. Has it been tampered with or censored?

Not as far as I know. I attached the files exactly as they were produced.