Comment 5 for bug 1986346

Revision history for this message
JamesRichardson (james-time4tea) wrote :

ok the boot was broken so i followed the instructions at to get that working again.

GNOME had gone, including NetworkManager, so i got the network up by hand:

ip addr addr dev enp0s31f6
ip link set dev dnpps31f6 up
ip route add default up

edited /etc/resolv.conf to set nameserver

then install gnome:

apt install ubuntu-gnome-desktop
apt install nvidia-driver-515


came back with no NetworkManager
sudo touch /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/10-globally-managed-devices.conf
sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

i think this is a lot to expect a user to do to get their system back online.

the system appears to be working now, but i am still getting a prompt "new release is available 22.04.01 TLS, run do-release-upgrade" so i assume something still hasn't completed properly