Comment 3 for bug 1889030

Revision history for this message
DarkTrick (darktrick1337) wrote :

That does not meet the criteria for an explicit warning.
The process showed about 150 "packages to be removed".

Voice of the general user:
- What is a package? (I install "apps" or "software")
- What is: idle-python3.7 libgcc1:i386 かきくけこ鬱食飲酒運転踵眉毛 ... ?
- You expect me to check 150 packages to make sure, that non of the 300 apps, that I installed over the years is not in that list? Isn't this the kind of work computers were made for?

Meaning: A user wouldn't find it in the salad of cryptic names.

But the real problem happens before that:
Why in the world would the system remove a software the user *manually* installed?
I think the user wouldn't even think about checking that list, because he wouldn't imagine, that the system would do such a thing.

Defining "explicit":

You installed the following applications. Unfortunately the system is not able to update or retain them. They have to be removed. If you need them please re-install them:

   Application | Reason
     qgis | [reason why this package can neither be kept nor updated]

Of course a perfect solution would be: Don't touch manual installations of the user (which I thought is the default behaviour, btw).