Comment 0 for bug 1780841

Revision history for this message
Brian Murray (brian-murray) wrote :

For new installs the desktop version of Ubuntu 18.04 includes snap apps of some utilities[1]. To ensure that there is little difference between a system upgrading between releases of Ubuntu and fresh installs ubuntu-release-upgrader should be modified to install the snap format of those utilities and remove the deb format package. This should only be done for Ubuntu Desktop installs and if the system has a connection to the Snap Store.

[Test Case]
1) Install an Ubuntu desktop system with Ubuntu 16.04
2) Upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04
3) Run 'snap list'

With the version of ubuntu-release-upgrader from -proposed you should see snaps installed for gtk-common-themes, gnome-calculator, gnome-characters, gnome-logs, gnome-system-monitor. Additionally, the deb version of those four packages should be removed, although if one of the snaps failed to install then the corresponding deb would not be removed.

It also be good to test that it is still possible to upgrade without a connection to the Snap store and to test this only happens on a system with ubuntu-desktop installed.

[Regression Potential]
Its possible that the snaps could be install on a system without ubuntu-desktop so we should explicitly test that scenario. The snaps installed should be tested briefly to ensure they are launchable and we don't leave upgraders without a calculator.
