Comment 18 for bug 1744722

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ZdravkoG (zdravko-g) wrote :

Hi @Stephan van Ingen and all other impatient to wait for convenience (like me :). As I already noted above (comment #12) You can download the available buggy version (noted in same comment) and after that to correct and run it by hand. It needs a little change only in file ''. One possibility is to prepend lines from 733 to 748 (inclusive) with 4 spaces for every one. I used this approach and can confirm - it works. Another possibility is to insert proposed by @Julian Andres Klode 2 lines just before line 733. I suppose this also work, but I have not checked it. Third possibility is to download fixed version of the archived tarball which I provide here. That is exact files I used for the upgrade. I use in the proposed tarball the first correction variant (You don't have to fix anything).
Does not matter what variant You choose, finally You should have a directory (created earlier with name of Your choice) where the unpacked and fixed files sits. It is time to open a terminal window.
Change Your current working directory with that (created early) where sits prepared files.
  cd place/of/prepared/files
!!!Note - It is important to be in exactly this directory! Otherwise incorrect library will be used.
There is file named 'artful'. This file represent actual upgrade application. You should run it in super user context with correct parameters. Something like:
  sudo ./artful --mode=server --frontend=DistUpgradeViewText
After entering Your password (need for 'sudo'), actual upgrade process will start (hopefully without issues). During upgrade, additional questions, related to upgrade process, can be set by application (in fact same like in graphical interface). Just answer, as appropriate, according to Your opinion.
That's all. I hope I have helped.