Comment 4 for bug 1324196

Revision history for this message
JohnBandaru (john-bandaru) wrote :


just removing the python3 package didn't work for me . Have to remove the other obsolete packages using "sudo apt-get -y autoremove "Package name here without quotes" .

how I got the obselete package list? did this:

$ cat /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log | grep Obsolete >> /home/" my A/c user-name without quotes" /desktop>obseletepkgs.txt

Then did a update again (sudo apt-get -y update), then ran the dist-upgrade from the update GUI tool. (for some reason the upgrade didn't start from the command "sudo do-release upgrade" in-spite of my multiple tries , even after reboot/restart.

A window then popped up asking me if I wanted to continue with the upgrade to 14.04 now or later and gave me a time period it would take to update over my net connection and I clicked start ...its right now running on my laptop (typing this from my desktop) .

will update result - if the upgrade is successful or not.

FYI & necessary action/updation in the relevant areas by the Proper expert(s).

forgive me for my mistakes if any - i'm a newbie to linux and would like to get all the help i can get. thxs all.