Comment 0 for bug 1315342

Revision history for this message
Lee Hyde (anubeon) wrote :

Greetings Developers,

This isn't exactly a bug report in as much as it is a request to cease utterly unneccissary and counter productive proceedures during a in-place upgrade. Specifically the practice of appending the words 'disabled on upgrade to…' to any third-party PPA disabled during the upgrade.

I realise of course that there is a geniune need to disable any third party PPAs, but the process of of re-enabeling them is arduous enough with the tools provided (namely software-properties-gtk) without having to also remove these ammendments. For reasons that I won't go into, I keep a stable of nearly 100 PPAs (although that includes source PPAs) and software-properties-gtk is woefully ill designed for managing large numbers of PPAs (e.g. enabeling via the tick box takes a good 4-5 seconds, thereafter the display resets to the top of the list, one cannot both enable a PPA and edit it's name in the same action, etc…).

If you really must add a warning message, could you not patch software-properties-gtk to display a warning pop-up the first time software-properties-gtk is opened post upgrade? Although personally, the pop-up which appears during the in-place upgrade process warning me about the fact that these third-party PPA's are to be disabled is warning enough for me.



P.S. I realise that there is likely a way to automate the process of enabeling disabled PPA's and scrubing your 'disabled on upgrade to…' ammendments. Alas, every script and software package I've tried failed to do either. I'll no doubt investigate writing a working script from scratch, but I really don't see why I should be in the situation where I *need* to in the first place. The type of Ubuntu user confident enough to use third-party PPAs isn't the kind of Ubuntu user that *needs* or *wants* hand holding to this extent.