Comment 18 for bug 2000551

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නොදන්නා (aunknown) wrote (last edit ):


>Or they can simply do: sudo apt install fonts-noto-core

but flatpak users said that flatpak apps still use LKLUG, how to solve that problem?

[different use case]
Also, the main problem is more complex than i thought.

>The point with the change is to make fontconfig give Noto Sans Sinhala respective Noto Serif Sinhala ?higher precedence than LKLUG. The fonts-noto-core package needs to be installed, of course, which it currently is not for all users. So for a Sinhala speaking user, who wants to use Noto fonts for rendering Sinhala, they can do either of these steps:
>* Select the Sinhala language when installing Ubuntu. That way fonts-noto-core will be installed at first login.
>* Open Language Support and add the Sinhala language from there, which will pull fonts-noto-core.

According to the details, if a sinhala language speaker or foreigner keeps only english (default) or other language in the system and when they view a sinhala web page using a web browser or use a text editor to edit something, it looks like ubuntu still uses LKLUG as the default font. please correct me if i am wrong. should i propose a small font package like LKLUG?

we have thousands of sinhala fonts but no one maintains them like noto team maintains their fonts :D

As far as I know, proprietary operating systems come with high quality and well-maintained fonts for all languages.

Edit: Also, they release versions separately for each script
but i couldn't find a suitable .deb package except noto core