Comment 0 for bug 1751249

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Oliver Grawert (ogra) wrote : Using “content:” in gadget.ymal for a “role: system-data” partition makes it not be system-data anymore

The core team thinks this is an ubuntu image bug, so i'm filing this here additionally to

When i use a gadget.yaml entry like:

      - name: writable
        type: 83,0FC63DAF-8483-4772-8E79-3D69D8477DE4
        filesystem: ext4
        filesystem-label: writable
        size: 270M
        role: system-data
          - source: writable/
            target: /
The partition is not pre-populated with snaps and seed but only the files defined in content are copied in.

I would expect that the partition is still properly pre-populated with the usual writable/system-data content and that the content from the content: entry is additionally copied in place. Or at least that the role: system-data takes precedence here if this combination is not allowed (though snapcraft or ubuntu-image should then spill a warning at least) so that a bootable system exists.