Comment 6 for bug 1522256

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Matthew Exon (ubuntubugs-mexon) wrote :

I was going to ask how you're browsing the network, and then I just realised that there's an icon of a folder with a network cable being plugged into it. How did I not notice that? Duh!

But... well it's not working for me. At least not as well as for you. I have "Unlock full access" switched on. There's an orange swirly thing and then it just says "No files". My Macbook is able to browse the network fine.

I'd like to get things working as well as they are for you because my share doesn't require authentication. So it might be implemented enough for me to get access to my stuff.

The first thing to implement is allowing smb:// notation in the "Go" dialog. That would make it at least possible to enter credentials, and get some people up and running without the need for complicated UI work.