Comment 0 for bug 39713

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xtsbdu3reyrbrmroezob (xtsbdu3reyrbrmroezob) wrote :

gnome-background-properties is used to change the desktop background for your Gnome desktop. This user would like to utilize the ubuntu-calendar package to have a unique monthly background image.

The problem, I assume, is that ubuntu-calendar stores the images in /usr/share/backgrounds/ when gnome-background-properties is looking in /usr/share/pixmaps/backgrounds/ it seems.

1) Install ubuntu-calendar
# aptitude install ubuntu-calendar

2) Run the background switcher app
$ gnome-background-properties

Test Failure:
* Notice how none of the monthly calendar images are present for selection.

Another package that I have installed and is working correctly is gnome-themes-extras. Install this package and notice how they are correctly displayed in the gnome-background-properties app.

ubuntu-calendar used to work in Warty, and I believe Hoary as well, but I have not seen it fixed in Breezy nor Dapper...
Kristian Hermansen