Comment 6 for bug 1333215

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Martin Pitt (pitti) wrote : Re: "Unable to find keyfile for application": Does not look for .desktop files in click pkgdir

> I think ~/.cache is a good place :-)

Yes, I do agree. I'm not saying at all that u-a-l shouldn't look into this. Just that it needs to fall back to looking into the click package dir if there is no cached symlink.

> and would delay starting up of legacy apps

How would that be? If there's no symlink in ~/.cache/ the startup currently does not work at all. With a fallback to pkgdir it would work, just a tad slower (that's why we have the cache). But again, you can't rely that all user's ~/.cache/ directories are accessible at the time of installing a click (that's the use case that doesn't affect current phone so much, but convergence, so is low-prio), but the issue which *does* affect the phone is installing a click and trying to start it in the current session (as the upstart hook doesn't run then).