Comment 0 for bug 1985863

Revision history for this message
Koen Dierckx (dierckxk) wrote :

On some clients ubuntu advantage enable has stopped working
When running with --debug flag we only get "Killed" as last output

$ sudo ua --debug enable esm-infra --assume-yes
DEBUG: Executed with sys.argv: ['/usr/bin/ua', '--debug', 'enable', 'esm-infra', '--assume-yes']
DEBUG: Reading file: /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/private/lock
Removing stale lock file previously held by 668502:ua enable
DEBUG: Reading file: /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/notices.json
DEBUG: Writing file: /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/private/lock
DEBUG: Reading file: /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/notices.json
One moment, checking your subscription first
DEBUG: Ran cmd: apt-cache policy, rc: 0 stderr: b''
DEBUG: Reading file: /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/notices.json
DEBUG: Writing file: /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/notices.json
DEBUG: Reading file: /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/services-once-enabled
DEBUG: File does not exist: /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/services-once-enabled
DEBUG: Reading file: /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/notices.json
DEBUG: Writing file: /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/notices.json
DEBUG: Reading file: /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/notices.json
DEBUG: Writing file: /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/notices.json
DEBUG: Reading file: /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/notices.json
DEBUG: Writing file: /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/notices.json
DEBUG: Writing file: /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/private/machine-token.json
DEBUG: Writing file: /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/private/machine-id
DEBUG: Reading file: /var/lib/ubuntu-advantage/private/machine-token.json
DEBUG: Ran cmd: apt-cache policy, rc: 0 stderr: b''
DEBUG: Writing file: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-esm-infra.list
DEBUG: Reading file: /etc/apt/auth.conf.d/90ubuntu-advantage