Comment 0 for bug 1950813

Revision history for this message
Chad Smith (chad.smith) wrote :

Version 27.3 introduced a new systemd timer which runs a job named update_status_timer every 12 hours to update the status of supported UA services on machines which are attached to an Ubuntu Advantage licese.

This job should not be run on machines without an active Ubuntu Advantage license attached because
"unattached" Ubuntu machines no need to request available or applicable UA resources for the machine.

In order to update_status information of UA services, this call results in GET against providing the following data as querystring parameters:
 - kernel
 - ubuntu release name
 - architecture

This ephemeral data is only used by the contract service to properly report what services are available or applicable to that running kernel, Ubuntu release and CPU architecture.

This bug is currently fixed and committed upstream to avoid calling this endpoint on unattached Ubuntu machines and queued for release to Xenial, Bionic, Focal, Hirsute and Jammy as version 27.4.1. Expected published fix within a week.