Comment 3 for bug 988283

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Chris Coulson (chrisccoulson) wrote :

We just discussed this on IRC:

<pitti> chrisccoulson: question for you in bug 988283
<ubot2> Launchpad bug 988283 in ubufox "Drop extra parameter from startpage URL when the default search is Yahoo" [Low,Triaged]
<chrisccoulson> pitti - ah. so, the way this works currently is that we just append the default search provider name to the startpage URL. However, only and actually exist. Everything else is just redirected to the google site
 so, if you select a non-google or non-yahoo search provider, we offer the google startpage
<pitti> chrisccoulson: ok; still seems strange to do it this way around
<chrisccoulson> which is why the check is that way around
<pitti> ok
 thanks for the explanation

So, basically, it is this way around because we offer Google as a fallback if you select a non-Google or non-Yahoo search provider, but we only offer Yahoo if you select Yahoo as the search provider.