Comment 76 for bug 270303

Revision history for this message
Alexander Sack (asac) wrote : Re: [Bug 270303] Re: MASTER - firefox (intrepid/jaunty): "your browser has been updated and needs to be restarted"

On Fri, Jan 08, 2010 at 07:19:46PM -0000, Mauricio Silveira wrote:
> Hi!
> I want to describe my experience with my Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic. I was also
> using Firefox 3.5.6 but after the upgrade, it went to 3.5.7.
> The steps are as follows:
> 1 - I received a message from update manager to perform updates, and I accept it.
> 2 - After that, the system asked for a reboot, and I accept it.
> 3 - During the reboot I decided to press F2 and look at my BIOS settings. I noticed the hardware clock time was wrong. I do not remember what time it was but I remember that it was also set for PM, when the correct time was like 10:05 AM. I did correct the hardware clock and reboot the system.
> 4 - After I reboot, my browse start to display the error message from this bug report.
> 5 - After reading on this report, I noticed the above description #66 mentioned by Gelignite where he was "playing with the hardware clock" . At that time I looked at my time and noticed it was showing like 3:06 AM when it should be around 11:00 AM.
> 6 - Before I play with the time settings, I close all my browsers.
> 7 - Lastly I went to preferences on my clock and set the time to the correct time, 11:07 AM.
> 8 - When I open the browser the message from this bug report were gone.
> I did not reinstall anything, only fixed the time.

Firefox displays the restart required notification if "firefox startup
time" is before the "firefox upgrade time"; the upgrade time is
determined by mtime of the
/var/lib/update-notifier/firefox*restart-required file created
during upgrade.

So when your clock is in future during upgrade then you fix your time
and restart firefox, the "firefox startup time" will be always before
the last modified time of

So it would be expected to display that restart
notification and there is not much we can do about it.

However, for you this issue persists after reboot, which imo could
be dealt with by teaching update-notifier to delete all files in

CCed mvo, to get his input on whether this is doable.

 - Alexander