Comment 3 for bug 973789

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Peter Wagner (o-petris) wrote :

Inbetween I have tried the alternate CD, also beta, downloaded 4/15. Install ran without disruption. Previous OS get started without trouble.

First start (and any further) of Precise began with a blank violet screen (for a second), followed by an introduction screen (20 secs?), with four horizontal bars in violet-black-violet-black, separated by tiny dotted coloured lines, which slightly move (seemingly a reminder of the moving dots of the welcome-screen). Then a completely black screen without any sign of life. CTRL+ALT+PrtScrn+REISUB shuts the system down.

In recovery mode, the system boots correctly and enables a glimpse into Ubiquity. I updated everything, but a full start rendered the symptoms described above.

I enter some logs which may help with finding the problem. Can add any more, of course.

Two months ago I had also problems with install, then of the 11.10 version, and to a completely different computer for a friend, but with the same monitor. It has seemed to me a problem of the intel video card, which didn't cope with my new monitor BENQ GL 2240, and after a reduction of the screen size, the system worked fine, without these strange effects (stripes across the screen, disappearing letters etc.). With my friend, my installation works without problems, with another monitor.