Comment 8 for bug 960096

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Stéphane Graber (stgraber) wrote :

Ouch, sorry for the mess, Launchpad seems to be oopsing a lot tonight...
Moving this bug over to the desktop team, I remain directly subscribed in case ubiquity actually needs changing.

So the problem we've noticed so far is that if you have "org.gnome.libgnomekbd.keyboard layouts" set to "['it','it\tnodeadkeys','it\tmac','it\tus']" like you do after running the ubiquity greeter and start a gnome session without going through the unity-greeter, you'll end up having the US layout set instead of the "it" layout you'd expect.

This can easily be reproduced on a machine without any open X session, logging in as a user and running:
 - gsettings set org.gnome.libgnomekbd.keyboard layouts "['it','it\tnodeadkeys','it\tmac','it\tus']"
 - startx

You'll notice that the keyboard indicator shows "it" as expected, but the actual layout is US.