Comment 9 for bug 926150

Revision history for this message
Brian Murray (brian-murray) wrote :

From irc on 2012-02-03:

12:18 < cjwatson> (I realise now you're talking about the exact same symptom
                  rather than just any crash in ubi-partman, which is what I
                  thought you meant at first ...
12:18 < cjwatson> )
13:24 < CIA-2> ubiquity: cjwatson * r5159 trunk/ (debian/changelog
13:24 < CIA-2> ubiquity: Mark file descriptors used for communication with
13:24 < CIA-2> ubiquity: FD_CLOEXEC.
13:24 < cjwatson> bdmurray: ^- wasn't necessary to fix Kate's system, but was
                  one of the things I found as a possibility when debugging
                  it; we'll see if that helps
13:25 < cjwatson> basically the same kind of fix in a slightly different place
13:25 < bdmurray> cjwatson: got it, thanks

So this may not be fixed in the Alpha 2 images but should be fixed when an updated ubiquity comes out.