Comment 0 for bug 66859

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Jason Spiro (jasonspiro) wrote :

I went through the 6.06 installer on my laptop. It went well but then after I clicked the start-installation button on the final screen it crashed. I think I had /dev/hda6 mounted on /dev/hda6, though I tried to unmount it through the GUI.

Ubuntu version: 6.06 LTS.

Settings I used: I chose French language and US keymap. I fiddled with the clock time settings for a while, and I set the time zone twice. I chose not to repartition or reformat anything. I set these mountpoints: /dev/hdc1 (FAT32) mounted to /m/w, /dev/hdc2 (FreeBSD FFS) mounted to /m/b, and /dev/hdc6 (ext3) mounted to /.

Hardware: 3-year old Dell Inspiron 1100 Intel 32-bit Celeron laptop.

Thanks for reading,