Comment 0 for bug 423903

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Daniel Hollocher (chogydan) wrote : [karmic][alpha5]installer extends beyond screen at partition stage[UNR]

I've been installing karmic at several of the alpha release points. I think that this has been problem for all the times that I can remember, but I'm reporting this under the alpha5 release.

How to produce:
Get yourself an asus 1000he
Boot UNR usb
Select the "Install now" boot option
Follow dialogs till partitioner
Observe the installer now extends beyond the screen, and will do so for the rest of the install
The main issue with this is that the Forward button is out of view, and you have to tab over and guess when you have selected the forward button.

quit the installer, let the system complete its boot, and then run the installer from within the UNR thinga-majig UI

I will also report on this bug for the beta release.