Comment 1 for bug 314586

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Michael Jones (jonesmz) wrote :

Andrew Brechbuhler

    Hi Andrew, I'm going to see if I can help you out.

    Could you tell me what method you used to install Ubuntu? Did you use the Live CD with the graphical installer? The wubi installer? or the alternative commandline based installer?

    What happens if you use the program GParted (you can get it from synaptic or add-remove programs. Or if you are comfortable with the terminal run the command:::
sudo apt-get install gparted
and type in your password when prompted to install it)
     to take a look at your computers harddrive. Does it say you have an NTFS or FAT32 filesystem? It might say "unknown" or something similar, and that would be ok too. Did you install Ubuntu on EXT3? That will make it easy to tell the difference.

    What is "GPE"? GParted, or some other partition editor? in that case you probably already did the tests above.

    Which partition of your harddrive does it say is unreadable? Maybe we need to tell GRUB to let you boot that harddrive.

    Does GRUB (or LILO, if you installed with that instead) give you an option for Windows XP?

    When you installed Ubuntu, did you make sure to shut down Windows correctly to make sure it didn't flag the filesystem as dirty?
    One of the problems I've had is that its very useful to defragment Windows before resizing its partition.

    I'll get back to you as soon as I get a notice that you've replied. Hopefully I can help!!