Comment 1 for bug 297254

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Loye Young (loyeyoung) wrote :

oem-config doesn't do the kind of customization you are talking about, and it's not designed to.

Customizing the desktop The Right Way (tm) is much more difficult than one might expect because the configuration options are kept in a host of different places. The GNOME desktop specification is not particularly sensitive to branding issues, and what branding specs there are, GNOME developers pretty much ignore.

If you are seeking to use the same configuration for many computers, it is advisable to create a .deb package that does the work simply by installing the package. (That's the way we handle it at the IYCC Distribution. See in particular the iycc-desktop, iycc-halucinar, and iycc-cuadrado-gnome-desktop packages.) You will need to be patient, though, because it's hard to round up where everything is.

However, if you are "customizing" for a particular customer, then look here for a procedure I wrote that will accomplish what you want:

I suggest that this "bug" be converted to a question or be relegated to "Wishlist" status.

Happy Trails,

Loye Young
Isaac & Young Computer Company
Laredo, Texas