Comment 61 for bug 245794

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Jeff Spears (jeffsbb) wrote :

I tried to install Ubuntu with every suggestion in this thread to no avail. What worked for me was;
1. running ‘try ubuntu’ with noacpi
2. after on desktop run gparted
3. delete partition that you are going to install / on
4. add 5 Mib to the preceding and following entry boxes
5. and format to desired fs, I used btrfs
6. then run the installer and select the option to choose your own partition table
7. choose the partition, hit change, choose the same fs you formatted to in gparted, choose / and DO NOT check format box
8. click ok forward...or whatever to finish installing

I guess my problem was the partitioning portion of the installation. I remember there used to be a ‘round to next cylinder’ (I think that is what it was) check box in the fs section that isn’t there anymore and the 5 MiB on either side of the partition corrected for that.

I am not very smart on partitioning so anyone who knows what I mean please correct me and put it into tech terms.

Hope this helps more than just me. :)