Comment 4 for bug 196075

Revision history for this message
Arno Waschk (bug-ubuntu) wrote :

But anyway, it hang not while searching for other OSs, but later when actually trying to mount the partitions (According to actual command-line parameters), which i consider a bug when hanging there for hours without activity and not even gracefully failing after a timeout and informing the user something might be wrong.

But what i was reporting is that the main installer thing call grub-installer in a too early situation (before knowing that it had a reasonable overview about my partitions, and their ability to be mounted by ntfs-3g for what ever reason), and permitted that grub thing to leave my system in an unbootable state (i could even reach my old windows installation nor a grub menu nor anything).

So i am not sure whether this bug is grub or brub-installer related.
