Comment 0 for bug 1938228

Revision history for this message
gregrwm (gregrwm) wrote :

i'm running the installer on the Kubuntu 20.04 iso downloaded today and dated 2021-2-9. it's presenting me the following dialog:

    Write changes to disks?

    If you continue, the changes listed below will be written to the disks. Otherwise, you will be able to make further changes manually.

    WARNING: This will destroy all data on any partitions you have removed as well as on the partitions that are going to be formatted.

    The partition tables of the following devices are changed: SCSI1 (0,0,0)(sda)

    The following partitions are going to be formatted: partition #1 of SCSI1 (0,0,0)(sda) as ext3

i carefully chose neither to change the size of my partition, nor to format it, and up until the above message, the installer seemed to have accepted these choices.

(1) if it is actually going to honor my choice not to format, then the message is wrong. Or if it's actually going to format, then it's not honoring my choice.

(2) if it is actually going to honor my choice not to change the size of the partition, nor create nor delete any partition, then it shouldn't need to change the partition table. So again either the message, or the ensuing action, is incorrect.

(3) since i'm choosing not to format a partition, i shouldn't be presented with a menu of how to format it. Presenting the menu makes sense once i choose to check/tick the box to format the partition. How about put the checkbox to the left of the menu, and enable the menu when the checkbox gets checked/ticked.