Comment 9 for bug 1892014

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Alkis Georgopoulos (alkisg) wrote :

Hi Gunnar, thank you for the feedback,

> Possibly console-setup could be modified again, so the default shortcut depends on XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ("No toggling" for GNOME and "Alt+Shift" for others). That way there wouldn't be a need to involve ubiquity or other desktops.

When launching a console, XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP isn't guaranteed to be set. E.g. one can just switch to vt2 and login there, or one can run `sudo -i` which doesn't preserve the XDG_* environment variables. Losing the ability to type Greek because I used `sudo -i` wouldn't be appropriate.

> Right. Super+Space is default on GNOME.

Up to now, /etc/default/keyboard allowed for defining a shortcut GLOBALLY, and the console, the display managers, and all the desktop environments respected that. Is supporting "a global shortcut" no longer a Debian/Ubuntu goal?

> That's reasonably about personal preferences rather than geographical.

Well, the official Greek school books teach Alt+Shift for layout toggling, so I'm not sure it can be called a "personal preference" and not a geographical one. That said, I wouldn't mind if Linux decided to globally endorse Win+Space, but AFAIK console doesn't support Win+Space as an option yet.

> As regards the console, is there a use case which would be worth to take into consideration where there is a need to switch to a non-latin keyboard layout?

Normal PC usage is impossible without it. Some examples:

# Change directory to Desktop
cd "Επιφάνεια εργασίας"

# Edit a file
nano Αρχείο.txt

# Set a user's name
usermod -c Άλκης alkisg